ManKind ∞ Living One Vibrational Energy

Archive for June, 2012


Affirmations – How to Create Them
Free information about Creating Affirmations which

is a powerful technique that is not well understood.

gathering souls

The Gathering Message – The Turning of the Tide

It is very important that as many people as possible, in different places, should take part in the Gathering. Decide where and when and how to gather, your participation is needed.

This is the beginning of the break we are all waiting for, for you all on Earth and ourselves out here. This is the beginning of the turnaround. We have waited so long for the change. It is time.

This is the beginning of the end of the old ways: the turning of the tide. State what you believe is true. Exchange the information and hopes you have.

Always in the world, a change starts with a few people. These few speak the feelings and thoughts of a multitude. They speak the heart of humanity’s soul.

The people who are coming together will ring in a return, a turnaround. There will come a flow on Earth which will burst the dark energies surrounding you and your planet.

Let your self-belief be your guide, and follow your heart. Realise the greatness you have within yourself, and go ahead. This is the time so many have waited so long for.

That which you believe is true must be stated.




In the beginnings of our spiritual journey ❤ The Source are felt vaguely, and guide us on the path. Later on we can begin to actually see the Source upon the awakening of the pineal gland and higher heart center.

Pineal detoxification can be accomplished through the avoidance of heavy metal toxins such as lead and mercury, as well as avoiding the intake of fluoride from tap water and toothpastes. Mercury leaches from amalgam tooth fillings and is also present in many vaccines. Fluoride can enter our skin through shower water, hence mains filtration is well advised. These toxins calcify the pineal gland and prevent us from perceiving the dimensional planes of light. Detoxification can be assisted through the use of superfoods and internal cleansing agents such as bentonite clay, charcoal and psyllium husks.


The awakening of the higher heart center comes about after a period of emotional purification and healing. Childhood wounding, harmful relationship patterns, fears and resistances to love are all things that require healing at this time in order to move deeper into our heart center and open up the gateways to the higher heart. Kindness and forgiveness are useful vibratory medicines for healing the heart – for holding on to any negativity keeps us trapped in fear consciousness. Forgiveness for self and others opens up the gateways to the angelic realms, wherein we can receive blessings of grace and love from the beings of light who reside there.


If we are able to release our fears of love we can receive deep healing from fifth dimensional angels and sixth dimensional rainbow beings. Their love can help us journey deeper into their realms and to ground in dimensional awareness in this reality. We can heal the fear of love by learning to trust love as harmless and as something that heals. Part of this work is to take down the walls and masks that we enact to protect ourselves from love, and to dismantle the control dramas that we engage with in our lives. Embodying angelic love calls for us to surrender all control issues, as well as not allowing ourselves to be controlled by any kind of victim consciousness. This process brings about empowerment – coupled with pineal and higher heart awakening – we then become spiritually and dimensionally aware


We then discover a window looking out upon an amazing inner landscape of magic and wonder, colour and luminosity, loving beings and angels. In our dreams we are able to unlock dream gates and portals and travel far into the astral planes. As we reach the Upper Astral planes we are welcomed by the immortal Rainbow Beings of Light, and they can take us on journeys into their cities of light. They populate vast numbers of higher-dimensional worlds throughout the galaxy. The dream-world is the first point of contact with these beings, however as our pineal glands become fully operational we can begin to parallel (being aware of two or more dimensions at once). Astral awareness then becomes unified with waking consciousness and the veils dissolve. Then the Rainbow Beings can be perceived and communicated with in waking consciousness. They can channel love, dimensional wisdom and healing into our daily lives. We see the reality of immortality and a life beyond the body, as well as life beyond the Earth. Our journeys can present us with contact with hundreds of different races of immortal loving light beings – some of them highly advanced with the ability to transcend time, travel through stars, leave galaxies, transmute matter and even create planets. The scope of their wisdom and ability is mind-boggling as we deepen the contact with them.


The spiritual light of the Galactic dimensions (which then filters down into the Astral) heals and charges our vibrations as it emanates from the Source itself. After a time one wonders where the light actually emanates from. From my experience and understanding the light of the Source emanates from a ninth dimensional Central Sun at the Galactic Center. To see the Galactic Suns one needs to be able to travel beyond the astral planes entirely. This can be achieved by engaging with the Guardians of the gateways that exist at the furthermost reaches of the Upper Astral Plane. Invariably we are sent back at first, in order to purify our being further and release more Earthly karma. This acts as a safeguard, otherwise our spirit body would disintegrate as it would not be able to handle the intensities of the Galactic Planes (Dimensions 7 – 9).


As we deepen our inner work we can have the experience of a white, golden or rainbow sun rising over an inner sea. What we are seeing here is our own inner essence which contains a Divine piece of the Source itself. As explained previously, seeing our inner essence is a work of vibratory purification which includes a thorough cleansing of the heart of negative karmas and emotional toxicity caused by fear, resistance to loving and lack of forgiveness. If our hearts still contain impurities we may have the vision of the Source/ Central Sun but we cannot get very close to it. We will reach a certain point and be repelled, and then we may feel an instant fear as the unresolved emotion is suddenly brought into awareness by the strength of the Source. The more we journey consciously inward toward Source, the deeper is the purification, and over time we can begin to enter the corona of the Central Sun.


The intense luminosity from the Central Sun bathes the DNA strands and one can have the experience of ones DNA flooded with all kinds of strange symbols, imagery, light codes or rainbows. Innumerable Star Beings (dimensional light beings who live in Stars themselves) inhabit the corona of the Central Sun and here we can meet many benevolent and loving intelligences and receive deep healing from them.


As we continue to work with our pineal detoxification and clean up the channel from there to the higher heart centre we begin to perceive the Central Sun very intricately and as an intelligence itself with many layers of light, like the layers of an onion. Working with our fears and embodying more love, we can learn to be fearless about becoming intimate with this Source energy and the layers peel away unleashing vast amounts of energy into our DNA strands, our being and our heart. By this point we may often feel like the physical body is being purged, as this kind of energy will instantly dislodge cellular toxicity as it tries to recalibrate and heal our DNA strands so we can become more aligned with this energy.


Over a period of what may be many months the Galactic dimensional journeying continues ever deeper into the Central Sun. What lies at the very core is conjecture..but after many journeys into the coronas one begins to be able to handle the vibrations without being repelled and one day one penetrates multiple layers to find oneself inside the Central Sun itself with the light energy around oneself – and when one looks to the center a dazzling rainbow globular object appears taking on the appearance of another Sun. Here all kinds of dimensional vibrations are flooding ones DNA and one can travel into the DNA strands themselves -seeing the dormant parts being activated, reactivating dormant memories of past lives, existences in other planes, and enabling the awakening of a very profound love that emanates from the Rainbow Sun. Cancer causing agents and other toxins in the DNA can be seen and instantly transmuted.

Closer to this inner Rainbow Sun deep within the Galactic Central Sun the surroundings take on a deep violet hue, with silvery luminescent strands floating around, having the appearance of being studded with coloured jewels. As for the Rainbow Sun itself, many orbs and spherical flying objects can be seen coming out of tunnels – with purposes unknown. The vibration here is particularly intense and one is sent back many times.. Entering into the corona of the Rainbow Sun is like being plugged into an indescribable bliss, a knowing, the experience of Oneness and tasting the vibration of immortality. The love here moves effortlessly through the heart – one with no fear can assimilate and integrate these vibrations of love into their being and become more in alignment with this place.


Rainbow beings who are part of the intelligence of this Rainbow Sun channel loving energy through ones being, and one can often have the experience of seeing a flashing cadaceus or the kundalini swirling and spinning with rainbow light. They carry a vibrational medicine of immortality that is extremely etherically purgative, eliminating denser vibrations and sometimes triggering physical cleansing too. They appear with cups of this shiny sparkling liquid, allowing one only to have the smallest amount, as this etheric medicine carries the ability to slingshot one into far out planes beyond the Galaxy (10D and beyond) and the body whilst in 3D can only assimilate a little of this vibrational input at a time. This liquid appears to have the purpose of preparing ones DNA for immortality, purging DNA toxins and healing aberrations in the double helix. It is only the errors in DNA replication that create aging and death, along with the damage caused by environmental, chemical and dietary toxins. At a certain point on our vibratory journey our DNA heals and begins the work of purging toxins so we can become immortal beings again. The cleansing of the physical DNA also activates the dormant metaphysical strands and completes the work of integrating the physical with the spiritual. Upon the completion of all DNA activations, matter and spirit become one, duality is transcended, and every single particle in one’s body becomes aligned with the vibrations of immortality.


It would appear that immortality now lies within reach of humanity if we are able to journey to the heart of the Source and be purified of all of the toxins we carry – physical, emotional and karmic – so as to enable DNA healing before our bodies succumb to irreversible decay. A healed vibratory being has DNA that can replicate perfectly and indefinitely, thus eliminating aging, and this healed physical DNA paves the way for the full awakening of the luminous light body. What happens from here is conjecture, but it could be surmised that if one reaches the heart of the Source ones physical body transmutes and one becomes metamorphosed into an immortalized light being radiating the love and light of the Source and then is free to leave this plane forever..


Love and Blessings

Free Spirit