ManKind ∞ Living One Vibrational Energy

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Affirmations – How to Create Them
Free information about Creating Affirmations which

is a powerful technique that is not well understood.

Energy …… Healing ….. Thyself

 Healing energy surrounds us, flows through us and is within us. We encounter many different forms of energy everyday such as energy from the sun, the stars and from within. Throughout our lives we pick up negative forms of Energy, such as fear, anger, and low self-esteem. We can use healing energy to remove these negative forms of energy. We can also use healing energy to promote physical healing. Energy blockages can not only cause emotional havoc, but also physical illness. Repairing your aura and chakras can help you feel better and happier.  Energy Healing Reiki Healing, Quantum Healing, Prana Healing, and other energy healing methods will help to clear negative energy, balance chakras, and clear your Aura. These negative energies or depletion in your aura can cause illness, create havoc on your emotions, and even cause issues within your environment. Reiki, Quantum, Prana and Spiritual Healing also help to relieve pain and stress. Energy healing can also help you deal with loss and manage anger. Individuals usually see a difference after one session. However there are instances where several healing sessions are needed to get the maximum benefit of the healing.

Our primary focus is well-being..

Taste the Rainbow

Color therapy is a set of principles used to create harmonious color and color combinations for healing. The term color therapy sometimes referred to as color healing or chromotherapy is based on the belief that the human body is composed of energy fields and when the energy is properly distributed and circulating freely, the body is healthy.   Imbalances or abnormal amounts of energy are believed to indicate an excess or deficiency that contributes to illness and or dis-ease of the body. Certain color combinations can provide the energy vibration that your body needs in order to improve and balance your physical and or emotional state.

When light enters through the eyes or the skin it travels neurological pathways to the pineal glands. Different colors give off different wavelengths of energy and have different effects on physical and psychological functions. It is believed that exposing the body to colored light can aid in healing. Yellow light is believed to can assist in healing gall stones, hypoglycemia and muscle cramps. Blue is used to treat ulcer pain, inflammatory disorders and back problems, while heart problems and cancer are believed to be helped via exposure to green light. Exposure to red light helps treat anemia, bladder infection, and skin problems while orange light assists in healing allergies and constipation. If you are familiar with the seven chakras (major ayurvedic energy centers) within the body, then you will notice that the light and the areas of healing somewhat coincides with those colors. I’m in the process of learning about the body’s chakras and how they react to the stimuli of certain sounds and colors. This year as I’ve been learning about chakras and attempting to mediate with music, I’ve experimented with looking at different colors and it does seem to work. I’ve been able to ease an upset stomach, as well as relieve a headache this way. As I learn more on this unique journey of discovery I will gladly share the information. Below is a basic chart that describes the locations of the seven chakras colors. In the next section see how the color light therapy and the chakras go hand in hand.The Seven Chakras or Energy Centers of the Body

source energy

Aligned with colour


English: Chakra picture produced by AuraStar20...

Colors that Can Heal

Modern man is sick because he is not whole… – Carl Gustav Jung

Here’s examples of how color therapy has been put into practice; let’s look at specific colors and their proven effects.

Blue: Calming, decreases respiration, and lowers blood pressure. Blue is cooling, electric, and astringent. Healing properties: Cools down inflammations (including rheumatic inflammations), calms strong emotions like anger, aggression or hysteria, fever, high blood pressure, stops bleedings, and relieves bursting headaches.

Green: Assists in reducing anxiety, helps those suffering with depression, nervousness, relaxing mentally, as well as physically, and soothing. Healing properties: Green is the color of Nature and the earth. It represents balance and harmony in essence and possesses a soothing influence upon both mind and body; therefore it can be used for just about any condition requiring healing.

Orange: Energizes, stimulates appetite and digestive system. Healing properties: Orange is warm, cheering, non-constricting; which has a freeing action upon the body and mind, relieving repressions.

Pink: An appetite suppressant used in diet therapy, relaxes muscles, relieves tension, and soothing, often times used in hospitals. Healing properties: Heals grief and sadness, restores youthfulness, and brings you in contact with your feelings.

Red: Excites sexual glands, increases heart rate, respirations and blood pressure, and stimulates brain wave activity as well as your appetite. Healing properties: Brings energy, stimulation, and warmth therefore is good for energy, fatigue, colds, chilly and passive people.

Violet: Good for migraines, provides a peaceful environment, and suppresses appetite. Healing properties: Being a color of transformation that heals hysteria, delusions and alcohol addiction, melancholy, and bring spiritual insights and renewal.

Yellow: energizes, improves memory, relieves depression, and stimulates appetite. Healing properties: Yellow helps strengthen the nerves and the mind, helps awaken mental inspiration, stimulates higher mentality, and energizes muscles.

Color therapy can be practiced either with colored light or color pigments such as paints or swatches.