ManKind ∞ Living One Vibrational Energy

Living in the Moment

Part of Living in the Moment is taking things as they come & going with the flow of life! This also brings Mindfulness into each day – focusing your mind on the thing u


are doing each moment! Our minds are far too used to judging what happens as good or bad & making more of things than is really important! How many time have you seen/heard someone repeat themselves to try & make things clearer in a situation? You may do it yourself only to find that things feel more complicated rather than simpler!

So my challenge to u is try to just let things happen! Observe your surroundings for as long as u can without judgement or other thoughts creeping in! This can also be a great exercise for seeing where your thoughts go naturally & paying attention to the nature of thoughts (positive or negative?!) try it as much as u can throughout the day & see if it makes a difference to your life?!

Don’t get dishearten if nothing seems to happen straight away! Ur mind will prob try to get in there whenever possible coz it’s so used to being left to run wild! keeping a diary or writing down ur experiences can help to show progress!
