ManKind ∞ Living One Vibrational Energy

Posts tagged ‘life experience’


EyE it

Clean Matter

Mission of services is to remind you of who you  really are and the power within that you truly hold. You are the creator of your life, and you have the power within you to create a better life for yourself.

  1. Everyone has certain tendencies or traits that will cause them to  attract, by law of attraction, certain contracts, people and learning events to  be experienced.  For those of you who are  not enjoying your experience, some of the contracts and experiences you have  manifested you could deem as negative, but sometimes you have less-than-ideal  experiences so you can learn by contrast – you learn what you do want in your  life, by the contrast of experiencing firsthand what you do not want.  The  more you can consciously remember your  own inner power, the more control you will feel that you have over this game  called life and you will realize it is worth  playing, and that you can create a  better life experience for yourself.
  • You have within you a deep well of intuition, wisdom, and knowing.  We call this Essence.

  1. What are the other aspects within you? To simplify – Ego, Soul and Essence – all components of your  human form and mind.  Your conscious  mind, with free will (we call it ‘conscious-free-will-mind’), is the  transmitter for all of these different frequencies or aspects of you.  At any given time, your thoughts can be  coming from Ego, Soul, or Essence.           Ego is the lowest vibrational aspect of self. Ego is  crucial for this game called life, and the intent is for Ego to be “the  blockhead” – the frequency and consciousness that has completely forgotten who  you truly are and the power you hold.   Without Ego, there is no game, for you would remember who you really are  – an aspect of Source itself.  How would you  play a game where you’re meant to experience lessons and contrasts if you  already had all the answers?
  2. The Reincarnating Soul, on the other hand, knowing it has played this  game before, sometimes recognizes its co-journeyers and chooses to create  contracts with those familiar faces again, and has wisdom from other lifetimes  to contribute to your current game experience.   However, even Soul is not pure or “perfect”. By playing the game before,  it has accumulated “baggage” as well as wisdom, and therefore, can often times  manifest inappropriately or thwart manifestations in order to avoid similar  negative experiences from reoccurring – the concept of ‘once burned, twice  shy’.
    Enter Essence. Once you invoke your Essence by  focusing your attention and intentions to Essence and trying to create a conscious relationship with it, the  other players on your team – Soul and Ego – integrate with Essence.  This integration is a slow, gentle process,  but over time, your conscious mind begins to transmit the frequency of Essence  more and of Ego and Soul less.  The best  part about Essence?  Essence in integration  with Ego and Soul uses the strengths of Ego and Soul (the wisdom and lessons that are helpful to your experience) but then helps to let go of the negative effects or ‘baggage’ from Ego and Soul  (the aspects that create resistance and blocks in your current experience – preventing you from getting what you want out of life.)
  3. By focusing on invoking Essence daily, you are ensuring a more peaceful, joyful life, and better manifestation power. ~ Instead of having different, dissonant  frequencies within you – Ego, Soul, Essence – that you are sending out to the  Universe as ‘intentions’ and manifesting your life, the three different  frequencies integrate to make one powerful ‘Essence-based’  frequency.  Essence becomes your default  for your conscious mind to transmit, and you have more positive thoughts,  greater wisdom, and deeper knowings of how you can improve your life.  You manifest this  purer, integrated frequency to the Universe, and thus receive greater  alignments – you finally get what you want out of life. The more you ‘tune within’ for the answers, the better you become at making decisions, feeling safe and in control of your life.  You worry less, and trust more.  Everyone has this power to tune into their ‘source within’ It is simply a conscious, free-will choice.

So how do I invoke Essence then?

This is the  best part.  It is simple.  Remember the conscious-free-will-mind, the  part of you that is reading this right now and trying to make sense of it all?  You, as the conscious creator of your life, are already dipping in and out of  Essence if you have ever put out any true intentions of anchoring into the  purest part of yourself and being as ‘good of a person’ as possible.  All you have to do now is make a conscious  effort to talk with Essence every day, in simple ways:

“Essence,  drive my bus today. Help me to get my team working for my life – help me to  integrate my conscious mind with Ego, Soul and you Essence, so that I can give  off the highest vibration and frequency to the Universe, manifesting most  effectively and joyfully.  Thanks.”

Doubtful?  No problem.   You can also say – “Essence, I want to know that you are real.  If you really are there, I want you to show  me.  Guide me to a knowing that is so  deep, that is so sure, that without a doubt, I know that I do indeed have an  Essence and that you in fact can help me with the wisdom, healing and guidance  that I need to improve my life.”

Why trust  us?  We’re simply ‘folks’ on the other  side of the veil telling you what we have experienced and how we see this game  you call life.  Why not figure this out  for yourself?  Every day for a month,  wake up with the intention of invoking Essence- which is as simple as  acknowledging its existence and talking to it- and tell it one or both of the  above statements.  See what happens to  your experience.  Then you can decide  whether  or not you align with this  perspective, and whether you do really hold your own ‘source within’.  Our doorstep awaits – feel free to cross over  the threshold to further explore this perspective any time you desire. We are here to help you connect to your ‘source within’ – that is our mission.  We welcome your questions and inquiries for support.

-As we come to understand the mechanisms and patterns that underlie self-sabotage, we begin to free ourselves…we begin to allow ourselves to interact with ourselves and the world with greater success, joy, and fulfillment. Overcoming self-sabotage and finding the wisdom inside the wounds you’ve endured is one of the most important conversations you’ll ever have with yourself. Honor it and know that it will change your life.

–Who knows  better than you what is best for your life anyways? Yet some of you feel like  you aren’t living your best life, or that your life isn’t rewarding or fulfilling at all.   The key is to learn how to tune into the purest aspect of who you are, what calls your Essence, so that you can manifest your life from this place of highest frequency and wisdom. This game is supposed to be enjoyable, not a struggle.